Monday, February 05, 2007

NUMB3RS-We All Use Math Every Day!

I clearly remember sitting in geometry class bemoaning my fate, having to spend 40 minutes a day learning Pythagorean theory. When would any one ever have to use this stuff? I had better things to so with my time, like, um, anything else! No doubt there are many such musings going on in high schools across the USA this very day. How do we reach these students and bring math to life? Yes, you guessed it, TELEVISION!

Humbug you say? Relax. The ole boob tube has another winner for us. The TV show NUMB3RS rises to the occasion, paired with Texas Instruments. Read on...

***** We All Use Math Every Day - Home

I've loved the CBS TV show NUMB3RS from it's first episode. I'm hooked to the point that I replay it during the week to glean as much from it as my weak math mind can get. I even mused on how cool it would be to have a web site that spun off it to help students understand how We All Use Math Every Day.

Well, Texas Instruments read my mind and stole my idea through cosmic telepathy. On the up side, they probably did a better job of it than I would have :)

"Texas Instruments is proud to be again partnering with CBS, in association with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), to bring you educational resources based on the hit series "NUMB3RS." You'll find great classroom activities based on the mathematics from each episode, as well as the inside scoop on the program and the people behind it.

You can begin by viewing any of this week's activities, or using the tabs to find more resources. And, make sure to come back for new information and activities each week."

Teachers can use a special link on the site to download the current week's episode to show in class, and then use activities provided on the site. This is great for classrooms and homeschooling alike.

Bill Nye, The Science Guy demonstrates how math and science work together when he guest stars on the television show NUMB3RS. Nye portrays a professor at Cal Sci who helps Charlie and Dr. Larry Fleinhart recreate a backdraft in order to help the FBI determine who has been starting a series of deadly fires in LA.

The theme music is an arrangement of an excerpt from the song "Once In A Lifetime" by the '80s band Talking Heads.

Check out Wikipedia's NUMB3RS Entries!

Oh, just in case you are looking to get really obsessed with the show, you'll be pleased to know that it has a HUGE following, with web sites and forums that dissect each show, parody them, an in addition to the CBS show pages, also offer replays. Hooked? Do a Google!

Here are a few of my picks for How We All Use Math Every Day!


This web site includes interactive learning games, quizzes, and worksheet generator tools by subject (creative arts, foreign languages, language arts, math, science, social studies), articles, literacy coloring pages and more.

* Math help from Math Goodies

They have provided free interactive lessons, worksheets and puzzles since 1998. Math Goodies was a pioneer of free math homework help.

* Math in Daily Life

This site explores how math can help us in our daily lives. In this exhibit, you'll look at the language of numbers through common situations, such as playing games or cooking. Put your decision-making skills to the test by deciding whether buying or leasing a new car is right for you, and predict how much money you can save for your retirement by using an interest calculator.

Everyday Math Resources

The Center School District has adopted the Everyday Math Series for grades K-5. Interactive Resources (these are demos, but worth checking out!)

*LESD VTC:Using the Internet in Mathematics Instruction

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Math An ... Everyday Math Resources — This site has resources for grades K-5 organized by strand.

Math-Net Links: Collection

Goodies is a From elementary and everyday math to algebra and beyond, offers educational site featuring free interactive math lessons.

* MathRoom Freebies

Learning math from MathRoom Lessons will be easier and more fun than you ever imagined it could be. Every lesson comes with clear user instructions called "The MathRoom Method". Follow the instructions carefully and you can't help but succeed! It may sound like madness at first, but if you try it -- you'll see it works!

Please leave your comments links to web sites you think bring math to life!


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posted by An Educational Voyage @ 2/05/2007 03:34:00 PM  
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At 2/05/2007 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just kind of stumbled in here and found such a treasure chest of great stuff! What a terrific site. I'll be back often.

My wife and I are also great fans of NUMB3Rs. The math is truly intruiging. It seems like someone for a passion for math used the detective genre as a vehicle for his (her) passion. Great Idea! It sure beats the other way around. Too often someone with no valuable Ideas decides to write a "crime series" and goes searching around for a hook that he has no real connection to, just to make it "trendy."

NUMB3Rs, on the other hand, is refreshingly inspired.

We also like the stars. All of them. Someone did a great job of casting.



At 2/08/2007 9:31 PM, Blogger La Maestra said...

If you go on the Numb3rs message board at as well as the Numb3rs forum on Television Without Pity, the show's creators/producers, a husband-and-wife team, are relatively regular participants on both boards. Additionally, on the board, David Krumholtz (the actor who plays Charlie) as well as one of the show's math consultants both pop in from time to time.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm a total addict. It's my only TV addiction, so I guess I'm entitled. Hey, new episode (or eppesode, as some of the aficionados call them) tomorrow night! :-)

At 2/11/2007 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ii want the words to the song..

At 2/11/2007 11:48 PM, Blogger An Educational Voyage said...

Numb3rs: Season 1

We all use math everyday …
To forecast weather …
To tell time …
To handle money …
We also use math to analyze crime …
Reveal patterns …
Predict behavior …
Using numbers we can solve the biggest mysteries we know …

Numb3rs: Season 2

We all use math everyday …
To predict weather …
To tell time …
To handle money …
Math is more than formulas and equations …
It’s logic …
It’s rationality …
It’s using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know …


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