Color Schemer - Online Color Scheme Generator
I surfed onto this web site and fell in love with their products. I am not a professional artist/interior designer and probably will not need their professional software, but their very light color picker is great:
Color Schemer's ColorPix is a useful little color picker that grabs the pixel under your mouse and transforms it into a number of different color formats.
You can use the built-in magnifier to zoom in on your screen, click on a color value to copy it directly to the clipboard, and even keep ColorPix on top of all other apps and out of the way.
Best of all, there's nothing to install - just download the tiny app and off you go. So grab it now, it's FREE!
There is more:
You can use the built-in magnifier to zoom in on your screen, click on a color value to copy it directly to the clipboard, and even keep ColorPix on top of all other apps and out of the way.
Best of all, there's nothing to install - just download the tiny app and off you go. So grab it now, it's FREE!
There is more:
Color Schemer Online is a free online version of the Color Schemer products. Enter an RGB or HEX value to get a set of matching colors. You can even lighten and darken your scheme or pick colors from a websafe palette!
Check it out here: Color Schemer - Online Color Scheme Generator
Now if you need a real full featured program check out their professional offerings!
Sometimes life can be so sweet!
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